Not the blog post that I expected to be writing, but yes, there has been terrible rioting in various London neighborhoods over the last few days. We have felt safe where we are, although there were two Tooting shop windows smashed over the weekend. There is definitely a weird vibe in the city, with tube stations being closed, sirens blasting, shopkeepers looking wary, and everyone talking about the violence. It is so unfortunate for this country and for the individuals involved. Most people believe that it is primarily youths who see an opportunity to cause some havoc and score some free goods, which is such a sorry state of affairs, but could likely happen just about anywhere. We're keeping informed of the goings on, and will post any changes on our front, but wanted to assure everyone that we are safe (been getting some sweet emails today inquiring).
It's interesting to note that so many blog posts, tweets, facebook notifications, etc. are all egocentric musings to tell the world what fun we are having, assuring everyone that one's own life is wonderful and fulfilling. I don't want this blog to be about that, and Greta and I are not trying to prove that we're having an absolutely fabulous time every day of our London lives. Rather, we want to keep you all informed of what we're up to and have a record of some of our activities, thoughts, and feelings throughout this year abroad. Today we're feeling sad for London, but wanted to let you know that we are safe and sound. Glad to have you with us, through the good and the bad.
The coverage in the States paints a similar portrait. Seems there aren't too many explanations, other than the fact that cuts in public spending sparked the first riots and "copy cat" riots ensued for "fun". It's a shame. Stay safe.
My understanding is that the riots were spawned in Tottenham by the shooting of a man during his arrest. I immediately thought of you, though I never suspected that it would reach you so far from the north. I'm sorry for the man who died, and for his family. And I'm sorry for the innocent bystanders, shopkeepers and anyone else whose lives are negatively impacted by this. I appreciate knowing that you all are well, and keeping a finger on the pulse. And please, carry on with the musings...complicated or not, I'm fascinated by the details and how the Rainbows experience London-life . Much love -- Hol
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