Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Band, the Fox, and the Queen

This Tuesday was not our average weekday. The Queen was visiting our Borough and Franny's school went out to greet her. Steven went along for the fun, and they all waved their flags and said hello. We're hoping for an invitation to tea at the Palace any day now.

Meanwhile, back at our palace in Tooting, a fox was spotted in the back garden. We see them quite regularly around here, but this was the first one that was right out our back door. They can be very cute, but are a menace in the city; kind of like our raccoons in Seattle.

Then Steven and I went into town for the evening, to meet up with our friend Kevin and hear some live music. We started at The French House, an old Soho institution, had a beer at John Snow, and then made our way to Madame Jo Jo's to hear Lower Dens play a rocking show. Great night out, and well worth how tired I felt at work the next day.

We're off for a long weekend, so we'll post about that next week.


Erica said...

How cool that you got to see the Queen. Tell us if you get and invitation to the palace for tea!

hollyd said...

Amazing! The Queen and her Prince Philip look wonderful! And how about that foxy Mr. Fox?!?

Jennifer said...

And Steven got to be this close to both the Queen and the fox to take these photos!