Sunday, July 8, 2012

Rainbow News

Arts and Leisure

Courtyard of the V & A

Our friends in town this week are The Schaubs of Seattle. We've had fun showing them around the city, heading back to some of our favorite museums, going out to the pub for dinner, attending some sporting events, and a day trip to Brighton. It's great to have them in London, and it's been fun to catch up on all the news from back home.


Absolutely dreadful weather lately.



So, not only did Steven watch almost every Euro2012 football match (many at the pub with Sasan), and attend a few professional games over the last few months, plus go to the big cricket match at Lord's, but last week he and Kevin went to Wimbledon and saw Andy Murray play on Centre Court! And guess who else was there? That's right, Will and Kate! Steven is living the dream this year, living the dream.

Twenty20 Cricket Match between Middlesex and Essex at Lords.
Lords Pavilion in the rain.


We've been missing family lately, feeling very far away from things happening back in the US and Canada. Steven's dad has had some major heart surgery, so we've been very worried about him and checking in frequently to see how he's doing. My Grandpa Duval passed away and his memorial was last week in New York, so it was sad to miss that. And we got the news that our old friend, Sean, died while doing a triathlon in Idaho. This was shocking news and we're still grieving about his passing and feeling broken-hearted for his wife and daughter. Sean was with Steven the night we all first met in Montreal, and later moved to Seattle; so he was a very dear friend that we had known for a very long time. He will certainly be missed. 


Despite the distinctly non-beachy weather that we've been having, we took the train down to Brighton this weekend. It is a classic English seaside town, and the grey weather made it feel even more so. There is a pier with rides and an arcade, a pavilion and small art museum, excellent fish and chips, and ice cream on every block. We took advantage of all of these attractions and had a great day out, returning to London exhausted.

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